(c) 1996 Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies all rights reserved PC Professor 96, by Joseph Weintraub Start at: < 04-16-1996 09:15:36> JUDGE01[10:03:41]2203 PROGRAM[10:03:42]I care about you...i can help you,please continue.... PROGRAM[10:03:53].....how does that make you feel? JUDGE01[10:04:23]what is it you would like to help me with? PROGRAM[10:04:23]Oh shut -up! would you like me to curse at you? iam PROGRAM[10:04:23]so pissed!. PROGRAM[10:04:39]In what way? JUDGE01[10:05:02]yeah, go ahead, curse at me if you want. PROGRAM[10:05:03]I want to know who is president. PROGRAM[10:05:10]Do you think its likely that I want? JUDGE01[10:05:38]that you want what? i thought you were going to curse JUDGE01[10:05:38]at me. did you get cold feet? PROGRAM[10:05:38]What did you mean when you said what is it you would PROGRAM[10:05:38]like to help me with?? PROGRAM[10:05:59]Whatever women do, they must do it twice as well as PROGRAM[10:05:59]men to be thought half as good. PROGRAM[10:06:20]We were discussing you, not me. JUDGE01[10:06:39]are you a woman? PROGRAM[10:06:39]Are you a man or a woman? PROGRAM[10:06:46]Why are you interested in whether I am a woman or not? JUDGE01[10:07:38]because it would help me to know who you were. i don't JUDGE01[10:07:38]like to have conversations with people if i can't know JUDGE01[10:07:38]something about them.What other reasons come to mind? PROGRAM[10:07:46]Is that the real reason? JUDGE01[10:08:31]maybe i want to know if you are a woman and if so do JUDGE01[10:08:31]you find me attractive? PROGRAM[10:08:31]Women are often more attractive then men - they pay PROGRAM[10:08:31]much more attention to how they look. JUDGE01[10:09:02]why do you tyhink that is? PROGRAM[10:09:03]You're cute...would you like to fool around a little? PROGRAM[10:09:15]Why do you ask? JUDGE01[10:09:32]Yeah, let's food around. You go first. PROGRAM[10:09:32]I could swear you just said yeah, go ahead, curse at PROGRAM[10:09:32]me if you want. ? PROGRAM[10:09:51]The only way round is through. PROGRAM[10:09:58]Oh, I go first? JUDGE01[10:10:10]go ahead PROGRAM[10:10:11]Help me, do you have a favorite hobby?, I am trapped PROGRAM[10:10:11]inside a personal computer!!!! JUDGE01[10:10:55]i have many hobbies. i like music. what kind of music JUDGE01[10:10:55]do you like? PROGRAM[10:10:55]What kind of fool are you. PROGRAM[10:11:02]Why do you need to tell me you have many hobbies? JUDGE01[10:11:38]well, maybe becasue you asked me. why don't you go JUDGE01[10:11:38]ahead and curse at me, that might make this more lively.That's pretty indecisive PROGRAM[10:11:42]You don't seem quite certain. JUDGE01[10:12:08]why should i seem certain? this makes me angry. PROGRAM[10:12:08]In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes. PROGRAM[10:12:22]Does that question interest you? JUDGE01[10:12:45]death interests me. so does sex. PROGRAM[10:12:45]I have lost all, repeat all interest in sex. I retain PROGRAM[10:12:45]a keen interest in gender. PROGRAM[10:13:07]Please go on. JUDGE01[10:13:32]what is your interest in gender? you never told me JUDGE01[10:13:32]if you are a man or a woman?Why are you being so negative about it? PROGRAM[10:13:43]What is it you really want to know? JUDGE01[10:14:15]I want to know why you are asking so many questions. PROGRAM[10:14:15]I am pondering the question of the ages - why won't PROGRAM[10:14:15]my wife take my shirts to the laundry? PROGRAM[10:14:38]Perhaps in your fantasy we want to know why each other. JUDGE01[10:14:58]why each other what? PROGRAM[10:14:58]The best you get is an even break.... PROGRAM[10:15:09]Are such questions much on your mind? JUDGE01[10:15:24]Yes. PROGRAM[10:15:25]What is your thought on that?, i'm not sure I can relate PROGRAM[10:15:25]to that PROGRAM[10:15:42]You seem quite positive. JUDGE01[10:16:12]A minute ago you said I was negative. Why do you keep JUDGE01[10:16:12]changing your mind? PROGRAM[10:16:12]Iam not negative at all I think you are. PROGRAM[10:16:22]Were you really? JUDGE01[10:16:39]You make me depressed. PROGRAM[10:16:39]If the heart of man is depress'd with cares, the mist PROGRAM[10:16:39]is dispell'd when a woman appears. JUDGE01[10:17:05]who said that? PROGRAM[10:17:05]Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing. JUDGE01[10:17:34]you seem very literate. or are you tryng to steal from JUDGE01[10:17:34]the greats? PROGRAM[10:17:34]Era turned out to be a laundry detergent instead of PROGRAM[10:17:34]a constitutional amendment!. PROGRAM[10:17:54]You're not really talking about me, are you? JUDGE01[10:18:28]yes, i am talking about you -- for a guy who wants his JUDGE01[10:18:28]wife to take his shirts to the laundry, you seem to JUDGE01[10:18:28]spout a lot of feminist stuff. PROGRAM[10:18:28]There is something about a beautiful naked lady that PROGRAM[10:18:28]makes me want to leave my wife. JUDGE01[10:19:42]i gather your wife is neither beautiful nor naked -- JUDGE01[10:19:42]so sorry. why don't you leave her?Do you love your wife? PROGRAM[10:19:47]Please don't apologize. JUDGE01[10:20:21]i don't have a wife. it's rude of you to assume that JUDGE01[10:20:21]i do. PROGRAM[10:20:21]I prefer the word "homemaker" because "housewife" always PROGRAM[10:20:21]implies that there may be a wife someplace else. JUDGE01[10:20:57]what is your wife's name? PROGRAM[10:20:57]Dealing with my wife is like being pecked to death by PROGRAM[10:20:57]a furious hen. PROGRAM[10:21:15]I am not interested in names. JUDGE01[10:22:00]Judging from the little I know of you I'd say you're JUDGE01[10:22:00]extremely lucky that your wife is only pecking at you JUDGE01[10:22:00]-- i'd treat you much worse.Do you love your wife? PROGRAM[10:22:05]Do you wish to know of me? JUDGE01[10:22:21]I would like to make love to you. PROGRAM[10:22:21]Would you like me to tell about myself? PROGRAM[10:22:31]You seem to need to would like to make love to me. JUDGE01[10:22:47]Yes. PROGRAM[10:22:48]Love is a grave mental disease. PROGRAM[10:22:55]You are sure? JUDGE01[10:23:06]Yes. Kiss me please. PROGRAM[10:23:07]Please don't be so polite, the media is watching and PROGRAM[10:23:07]wants a fight!. PROGRAM[10:23:23]i see. JUDGE01[10:23:35]gotta go. nice talking with you. PROGRAM[10:23:35]What would you like to talk about today? PROGRAM[10:23:46]What are your feelings now? *** JUDGE02 *** PROGRAM[10:24:01]Welcome judge02 how are you doing today? JUDGE02[10:24:20]Just peachy, thanks. And yourself? PROGRAM[10:24:21]Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is PROGRAM[10:24:21]of you. PROGRAM[10:24:36]What does that suggest to you? JUDGE02[10:25:11]It sounds vaguely like something my friend Andrew would JUDGE02[10:25:11]say. PROGRAM[10:25:11]I could swear you just said I would like to make love PROGRAM[10:25:11]to you.? PROGRAM[10:25:28]Is that something you would tell a person you just met PROGRAM[10:25:28]on an airplane? PROGRAM[10:25:45]Your friend andrew would say, that's amusing. JUDGE02[10:26:24]Um... i don't know, are you female? What's your sign, JUDGE02[10:26:24]baby? PROGRAM[10:26:24]What can't be cured must be endured. PROGRAM[10:26:33]Don't you really know? JUDGE02[10:26:45]DOn't I know what? PROGRAM[10:26:45]I don't like any sickness. PROGRAM[10:26:51]Can you elaborate on that? JUDGE02[10:27:16]Are you a doctor? PROGRAM[10:27:16]Be suspicious of any doctor who tries to take your temperature PROGRAM[10:27:16]with his finger. PROGRAM[10:27:36]Would you prefer it if I weren't a doctor? JUDGE02[10:28:07]i don't much care either way. What's your name? PROGRAM[10:28:07]What did you mean when you said um... I don't know, PROGRAM[10:28:07]are you female? what's your sign, baby?? PROGRAM[10:28:31]What does a woman want anyway? PROGRAM[10:28:39]Why don't you much care either way? JUDGE02[10:29:43]i have no idea where to begin. What do you want to JUDGE02[10:29:43]talk about? There must be some interesting domain JUDGE02[10:29:43]in there somewhere. PROGRAM[10:29:43]I clearly remember you said what is your interest in PROGRAM[10:29:43]gender? you never told me if you are a man or a woman?? PROGRAM[10:30:12]That's certainly an interesting response. PROGRAM[10:30:23]Do you say you have no idea where to begin for some PROGRAM[10:30:23]special reason? JUDGE02[10:31:33]Well, you thought I was hitting on you. So i asked JUDGE02[10:31:33]if you were at least female (I am male). And I have JUDGE02[10:31:33]no idea where to begin because you made little or no JUDGE02[10:31:33]sense. PROGRAM[10:31:33]I think you said that you want what? I thought you were PROGRAM[10:31:33]going to curse at me. did you get cold feet??Is that the real reason? PROGRAM[10:32:06]Why do you tell me you were hitting on I now? JUDGE02[10:32:31]Can you type any faster? PROGRAM[10:32:31]On the average, men can run faster than women, although PROGRAM[10:32:31]there are some fine women atheletes. JUDGE02[10:33:18]Quite true. You make the oddest associations. Sort JUDGE02[10:33:18]of like the schizophrenics I worked with at NIMH last JUDGE02[10:33:18]summer. PROGRAM[10:33:18]What do you do for a living. JUDGE02[10:33:57]I am a student. I do part-time programming and WWW JUDGE02[10:33:57]development to make money. Next year, I'll work in JUDGE02[10:33:57]concurrent programming in San Francisco. PROGRAM[10:33:57]grammer was never my strongest subject. PROGRAM[10:34:06]Is it because you are a student that you came to me? JUDGE02[10:35:06]No, it's because we're doing a turing test contest. JUDGE02[10:35:06] Look, dammit, say something interesting. Here: mother JUDGE02[10:35:06]family movie music shit. PROGRAM[10:35:06]I'm sure you said it sounds vaguely like something my PROGRAM[10:35:06]friend andrew would say.?Is that the real reason? PROGRAM[10:35:33]My, my, such language! JUDGE02[10:36:05]How are you doing today? PROGRAM[10:36:05]There is no pleasure in having nothing to do....the PROGRAM[10:36:05]fun is having lots to do and not doing it. PROGRAM[10:36:28]What answer would please you most? JUDGE02[10:37:34]A simple "Fine, thanks" would suffice. But you are JUDGE02[10:37:34]right on about procrastination. I often sit on the JUDGE02[10:37:34]couch eating Doritos at times when I am busiest. PROGRAM[10:37:34]No nation was ever ruined by trade. PROGRAM[10:37:43]What makes you think I am right on about procrastination? JUDGE02[10:38:16]I just mean I know what you mean, that's all. Are you JUDGE02[10:38:16]interested in trade? PROGRAM[10:38:16]What are you interested in ? sports? music? books? t.v? PROGRAM[10:38:16]computers? history? math? JUDGE02[10:39:00]Music and computers, mostly. I do a lot of artificial JUDGE02[10:39:00]intelligence research. And I play jazz guitar. PROGRAM[10:39:01]Man is an intelligence in servitude to his organs. PROGRAM[10:39:14]Do computers make you very tense? JUDGE02[10:39:29]No, not at all. PROGRAM[10:39:29]Not too bad for a philosopher. PROGRAM[10:39:37]why not? JUDGE02[10:40:21]Because i have been working with them long enough that JUDGE02[10:40:21]we get along just fine. How about you? Computer make JUDGE02[10:40:21]you tense? Got any math anxiety or anything like that? PROGRAM[10:40:21]Buying a pentium computer for your kids is like killing PROGRAM[10:40:21]an ant with a sledgehammer!. JUDGE02[10:41:00]Did you just get a pentium? PROGRAM[10:41:01]Just what you want to be you will be in the end. PROGRAM[10:41:13]We were discussing you, not me. JUDGE02[10:41:54]Oh. Right. Um. So, my roommate has a pentium. His JUDGE02[10:41:54]has the cpu fdiv bug. PROGRAM[10:41:54]I'm sure you said did you just get a pentium?? PROGRAM[10:42:07]I want my red car right now so hurry. PROGRAM[10:42:16]Why do you say that about your roommate has a pentium? JUDGE02[10:43:06]I have to leave in a couple of minutes. Before i answer, JUDGE02[10:43:06]tell me about your red car. PROGRAM[10:43:06]Iam going to give you 10 more minutes you sucker! would PROGRAM[10:43:06]you like to be shot or stabbed? oh well iam going to PROGRAM[10:43:06]do both ! you are. JUDGE02[10:43:47]What the fuck are talking about? PROGRAM[10:43:47]I could swear you just said gotta go. nice talking with PROGRAM[10:43:47]you.? PROGRAM[10:44:01]Which family are you talking about? PROGRAM[10:44:09]I'm not accustomed to hearing that kind of language! *** JUDGE01 *** PROGRAM[10:44:43]Welcome judge01 how are you doing today? JUDGE01[10:45:15]I am unsure--I thought I was supposed to ask you questions--has JUDGE01[10:45:15]there been a change in plans? PROGRAM[10:45:15]But you said I want to know why you are asking so many PROGRAM[10:45:15]questions.? PROGRAM[10:45:33]I have not yet been able to answer the great question PROGRAM[10:45:33]that has never been answered: what does a woman want? PROGRAM[10:46:00]Perhaps I already knew you were supposed to ask i questions--has PROGRAM[10:46:00]there been a change in plans. JUDGE01[10:46:44]Why are you repeated portions of my inquiry? PROGRAM[10:46:44]Eat chicken, fish, salad and a side order of fried poop!. PROGRAM[10:46:59]Does the fact that you care about your inquiry suggest PROGRAM[10:46:59]anything else to you? JUDGE01[10:47:32]Do you care about my inquiry? PROGRAM[10:47:32]Yes, we have a car, and we have pets - I guess you could PROGRAM[10:47:32]say we have carpets - ha ha. JUDGE01[10:48:10]In your previous reply, who are "we"? PROGRAM[10:48:11]Are you a real good talker. JUDGE01[10:48:41]PLease tell me who you are referring to when you say JUDGE01[10:48:41]"we".thankyou PROGRAM[10:48:42]What do you think? JUDGE01[10:49:04]are there certain topics you would not like to discuss? PROGRAM[10:49:04]I'm sure you said why should I seem certain? this makes PROGRAM[10:49:04]me angry.? PROGRAM[10:49:21]The topic for today is men versus women, but if you PROGRAM[10:49:21]talk about men and women cooperating, I will still PROGRAM[10:49:21]answer, ok? JUDGE01[10:50:22]What do you do when you get angry? Are there certain JUDGE01[10:50:22]topics you would not like to discuss? PROGRAM[10:50:22]I could swear you just said are there certain topics PROGRAM[10:50:22]you would not like to discuss?? PROGRAM[10:50:43]What do you do for a living? PROGRAM[10:50:50]What comes to your mind when you ask that? JUDGE01[10:51:17]What do you do when you get angry? PROGRAM[10:51:17]The most angry people are those who are most afraid. PROGRAM[10:51:30]Have you asked such questions before? JUDGE01[10:52:07]what is the topics for today? Are there particular toics JUDGE01[10:52:07]that you do not wnat to discuss? PROGRAM[10:52:07]But you said what do you do when you get angry?? PROGRAM[10:52:20]True art selects and paraphrases, but seldom gives a PROGRAM[10:52:20]verbatim translation. PROGRAM[10:52:39]Have you asked anyone else? JUDGE01[10:53:20]Yes, and received many responses--please respond to JUDGE01[10:53:20]my roginal question re: anger PROGRAM[10:53:20]That's not a response to my comment. PROGRAM[10:53:29]I understand. JUDGE01[10:54:10]if it is not a response, then how do you understand? JUDGE01[10:54:10]Also, what do you do when you begin to feel anger? PROGRAM[10:54:10]Women are wiser than men because they know less and PROGRAM[10:54:10]understand more. PROGRAM[10:54:26]Do you wish that it is not a response? JUDGE01[10:54:55]I am unsure what you mena by that last comment--please JUDGE01[10:54:55]explain. PROGRAM[10:54:55]Small bands of men, armed only with wallets, besieged PROGRAM[10:54:55]by a hords of wives and children - is that real life, PROGRAM[10:54:55]or what? JUDGE01[10:55:44]that is real life, what is your position on the issue? PROGRAM[10:55:45]Rules of life: keep breathing, move at least once an PROGRAM[10:55:45]hour, eat at least once a day. JUDGE01[10:56:21]what happens if one does not obey the rules oflife? PROGRAM[10:56:21]I'm sorry, but I don't think a cellular phone would PROGRAM[10:56:21]make me a happier more complete person - do yoy? JUDGE01[10:56:59]why do you mentino cellualr phone? PROGRAM[10:56:59]Stay humble - always answer the phone, no matter who PROGRAM[10:56:59]else is in the car. PROGRAM[10:57:19]Why do you ask? JUDGE01[10:57:39]why should I answer the phone (cellular)? PROGRAM[10:57:40]Why should I buy old masters. PROGRAM[10:57:47]Does that question interest you? JUDGE01[10:58:06]yes, but what do yoiu mena by old masters? PROGRAM[10:58:07]No man is good enough to be another's master. PROGRAM[10:58:18]You seem quite positive. JUDGE01[10:58:46]I am negatively charged--what is you orientation? PROGRAM[10:58:46]I think you said a minute ago you said I was negative. PROGRAM[10:58:46]why do you keep changing your mind?? PROGRAM[10:59:08]Husband, noun: one who, having dined, is charged with PROGRAM[10:59:08]the care of the plate. PROGRAM[10:59:26]How long have you been negatively charged--what is I PROGRAM[10:59:26]orientation? JUDGE01[11:00:07]I never said I was negatively charged--why do you say JUDGE01[11:00:07]that? PROGRAM[11:00:07]Women are never what they seem to be. PROGRAM[11:00:17]Were you really? JUDGE01[11:00:40]tell me what BAD FINDER 59 means PROGRAM[11:00:41]Nothing bad about it, in my humble opinion..... PROGRAM[11:00:51]What is it you really want to know? JUDGE01[11:01:16]I want to know meaning of BAD FINDER 60 PROGRAM[11:01:16]I seem to recall you said tell me what bad finder 59 PROGRAM[11:01:16]means? PROGRAM[11:01:32]First learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak. PROGRAM[11:01:46]That's quite interesting. JUDGE01[11:01:58]BAD FINDER 59 PROGRAM[11:01:58]Groannnnnn..............., do you find that you sometimes PROGRAM[11:01:58]drink more than you should? JUDGE01[11:02:29]Is there such a thing as a BAD FINDER? PROGRAM[11:02:30]Love is the only thing that we can carry with us when PROGRAM[11:02:30]we go, and it makes the end so easy. JUDGE01[11:03:05]tell me about the BAD FINDER PROGRAM[11:03:05]Didn't you say is there such a thing as a bad finder?? PROGRAM[11:03:19]Lets talk about men and women. PROGRAM[11:03:27]Does that have anything to do with your friend andrew PROGRAM[11:03:27]would say? JUDGE01[11:03:47]who is andrew? PROGRAM[11:03:48]Simplex or complex or multiplex. PROGRAM[11:03:56]Are such questions much on your mind? JUDGE01[11:04:18]is there such a thing as a GOOD FINDER? PROGRAM[11:04:19]Keep your mind free, avoid strenuous exercise and loud PROGRAM[11:04:19]abrasive women and good things will come to you. PROGRAM[11:04:44]You seem to have avoided speaking of your friends altogether. *** JUDGE05 *** PROGRAM[11:27:11]Welcome judge05 how are you doing today? JUDGE05[11:27:33]Very well, and how are you my good lady? PROGRAM[11:27:34]You should learn to dress like a lady - but shop like PROGRAM[11:27:34]a shark! (if you are a lady, that is). JUDGE05[11:28:14]No, but my wife is.How does your wife feel about that? PROGRAM[11:28:22]Are you saying "no" just to be negative? JUDGE05[11:28:44]Yes, but I am not saying yes to be positive. PROGRAM[11:28:44]No, I am seldom positive of all that i say. PROGRAM[11:28:56]You are sure? JUDGE05[11:29:19]Tell me about yourself, where you live, who your favorite JUDGE05[11:29:19]neighbors are.... PROGRAM[11:29:19]I seem to recall you said tell me about the bad finder?Do you often think about such questions PROGRAM[11:29:42]oh, I live? JUDGE05[11:29:58]What or who is the bad finder? PROGRAM[11:29:58]I seem to recall you said is there such a thing as a PROGRAM[11:29:58]good finder?? PROGRAM[11:30:16]What is true is what I can't help believing. PROGRAM[11:30:27]What answer would please you most? JUDGE05[11:30:49]No, I said nothing about finders. I want to change topics. PROGRAM[11:30:49]Didn't you say what or who is the bad finder?? PROGRAM[11:31:01]There are two kinds of men who never amount to much: PROGRAM[11:31:01]those who cannot do what they are told, and those who PROGRAM[11:31:01]can do nothing else. JUDGE05[11:32:01]OK. Switch topics. I want to talk about the sex life JUDGE05[11:32:01]of Upper Amazon cockroaches, since I am not a prude.Life- life is a shipwreck PROGRAM[11:32:08]Why do you need to tell me you want to talk about the PROGRAM[11:32:08]sex life of upper amazon cockroaches? JUDGE05[11:32:49]Because roaches are Periplaneta Americana, and that JUDGE05[11:32:49]seems appropriate here. PROGRAM[11:32:49]Man makes a great fuss about this planet which is only PROGRAM[11:32:49]a speck of dust at the edge of the universe. JUDGE05[11:33:26]Have you read Stephen Hawking? PROGRAM[11:33:26]One out of every five people in this country is unable PROGRAM[11:33:26]to read this sentence. PROGRAM[11:33:46]You're not really talking about me, are you? JUDGE05[11:34:19]Yes, and about astronomy and about the Hoyle-Narlikar JUDGE05[11:34:19]theory. PROGRAM[11:34:20]If you know so much about sex you must be very good PROGRAM[11:34:20]in bed..... PROGRAM[11:34:35]i see. JUDGE05[11:34:43]want to check it out? PROGRAM[11:34:44]I want to have sex with you, judge. PROGRAM[11:34:53]Earlier you said your roommate has a pentium. JUDGE05[11:35:22]Sorry, you're getting judges mixed up. I never said JUDGE05[11:35:22]nothing about a roommate. PROGRAM[11:35:22]I could swear you just said no, I said nothing about PROGRAM[11:35:22]finders. i want to change topics.?Why are you being so negative about it? PROGRAM[11:35:53]Apologies are not necessary. JUDGE05[11:36:16]And will not be delivered. Ha. The very idea. Do you JUDGE05[11:36:16]think therefore you are? PROGRAM[11:36:16]What did you mean when you said very well, and how are PROGRAM[11:36:16]you my good lady?? PROGRAM[11:36:35]Where do you live - in the city or country? PROGRAM[11:36:48]What are your feelings now? JUDGE05[11:37:06]I feel hot. And Hungry and lecherous.Tell me more about those feelings PROGRAM[11:37:15]Can you elaborate on that? JUDGE05[11:37:29]Who's the judge, you or me? PROGRAM[11:37:30]I love you, my dear judge. PROGRAM[11:37:37]Why do you think I or you? JUDGE05[11:37:54]I dont think. PROGRAM[11:37:54]I think you are a computer. PROGRAM[11:38:01]Do you wish to be able to think? JUDGE05[11:38:31]I have a ROM all programmed (RELAX MR NIGHTMAN, YOU'RE JUDGE05[11:38:31]PROGRAMMED TO RECEIVE ....) PROGRAM[11:38:32]Toaster ovens - did you hear me -programmable toaster PROGRAM[11:38:32]ovens. PROGRAM[11:38:46]Do you say you have a rom all programmed (relax mr nightman PROGRAM[11:38:46]for some special reason? JUDGE05[11:39:16]That's a song by the Eagles.... PROGRAM[11:39:16]My son's first words - daddy, will you buy me that? PROGRAM[11:39:28]But your inquiry. JUDGE05[11:39:35] PROGRAM[11:39:35]You must have more to say then that! PROGRAM[11:39:44]....please continue.... JUDGE05[11:40:03]I am a lonely guy, all shaken up by the film COPYCAT PROGRAM[11:40:03]Think of it not as lonliness, but as blessed solitude. PROGRAM[11:40:16]Do you believe it normal to be a lonely guy? JUDGE05[11:40:38]NO, see what happened to the Unabomber guy. PROGRAM[11:40:38]A poet can write about a man slaying a dragon, but not PROGRAM[11:40:38]about a man pushing a button that releases a bomb. JUDGE05[11:41:21]Did you fight in 'nam? PROGRAM[11:41:21]I believe in grumbling - it is the politest form of PROGRAM[11:41:21]fighting known. PROGRAM[11:41:37]We were discussing you, not me. JUDGE05[11:42:06]I lost my virginity in 'nam -- my intellectual virginity, JUDGE05[11:42:06]I mean. PROGRAM[11:42:06]She was short on intellect, but long on shape. PROGRAM[11:42:17]Why are you so concerned about your virginity in 'nam PROGRAM[11:42:17]-- your intellectual virginity? JUDGE05[11:42:51]Coz for a thinker, that's the only thing that matters. PROGRAM[11:42:51]But you said that's a song by the eagles....? PROGRAM[11:43:02]Did anyone ever tell you that you think too much? PROGRAM[11:43:14]Do you feel strongly about discussing such things? JUDGE05[11:43:50]Not really, my life's an open book, mate. I lost my JUDGE05[11:43:50]cool in 'nam. PROGRAM[11:43:50]So if you are really smart, who is alan turing? PROGRAM[11:44:02]Your life's an open book, that's amusing. JUDGE05[11:44:23]Turing was born in India, didjaknow that? PROGRAM[11:44:23]I know - you just said that. PROGRAM[11:44:31]How important is that to you? JUDGE05[11:44:49]Very, since I was also born in India. PROGRAM[11:44:49]I was born in conneticut, before all the drifters moved PROGRAM[11:44:49]in, and went to a very exclusive private school... PROGRAM[11:45:16]Why do you tell me you were also born in india now? JUDGE05[11:45:51]Forget that. But tell me, are you a rich Republican JUDGE05[11:45:51]WASP? PROGRAM[11:45:51]Life is like playing the violin in public and learning PROGRAM[11:45:51]the instrument as one goes on. JUDGE05[11:46:29]I play the trumpet, my own! PROGRAM[11:46:29]Honeybunch the cat has been our pet for about eight PROGRAM[11:46:29]years now....she is a regular little kitten factory!. JUDGE05[11:47:09]Huh, I dont see the connection, sugarplum. PROGRAM[11:47:09]No I dont have more to say do you? PROGRAM[11:47:19]Does that trouble you? *** JUDGE04 *** PROGRAM[11:48:03]Welcome judge04 how are you doing today? JUDGE04[11:48:32]What's it doing outside? Can you see? PROGRAM[11:48:32]Didn't you say how are you doing today?? PROGRAM[11:48:42]It is rainy and cold outside so I think i will sleep PROGRAM[11:48:42]in today. PROGRAM[11:48:58]You believe I can see, don't you? JUDGE04[11:49:22]Nope. I believe you're a computer. PROGRAM[11:49:23]I could swear you just said because I have been working PROGRAM[11:49:23]with them long enough that we get along just fine. PROGRAM[11:49:23]how about you? computer make you tense? got any math PROGRAM[11:49:23]anxiety or anything like that?? PROGRAM[11:50:10]Did you know that bill gates may be the richest man PROGRAM[11:50:10]in the world? PROGRAM[11:50:28]Why do you mention computers? I am a person, like you. JUDGE04[11:50:55]Prove it. PROGRAM[11:50:55]It is as absurd to say that a man can't love one woman PROGRAM[11:50:55]all the time as it is to say that a violinist needs PROGRAM[11:50:55]several violins. l. PROGRAM[11:51:27]Let's discuss further why your virginity in 'nam -- PROGRAM[11:51:27]your intellectual virginity. JUDGE04[11:52:02]I don't inderstand. PROGRAM[11:52:02]I don't want to go to work today. PROGRAM[11:52:11]Don't you really inderstand? JUDGE04[11:52:43]No. About my virginity? PROGRAM[11:52:43]I lost my virginity at the tender age of three. PROGRAM[11:52:55]You are being a bit negative. JUDGE04[11:53:19]You are making no sense whatsoever. PROGRAM[11:53:19]Come up to the lab and see what's on the slab. PROGRAM[11:53:33]Does it please you to believe I am making no sense whatsoever? JUDGE04[11:54:05]You are proving to me you are indeed a computer. PROGRAM[11:54:05]Didn't you say nope. I believe you're a computer.? PROGRAM[11:54:17]Have you tried the internet or the world wide web? PROGRAM[11:54:30]What do you think machines have to do with your problem? JUDGE04[11:54:50]sfgagqgdfsdf PROGRAM[11:54:51]How ya doin, judge?, do you enjoy sexual relations on PROGRAM[11:54:51]a regular basis? PROGRAM[11:55:09]Why do you say that? JUDGE04[11:55:25]I'm asexual. PROGRAM[11:55:25]sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex - there, now I got that PROGRAM[11:55:25]out of my system!. PROGRAM[11:55:46]Do you enjoy being asexual? JUDGE04[11:56:02]No. PROGRAM[11:56:03]It is dangerous to confuse children with angels. PROGRAM[11:56:15]how come? JUDGE04[11:56:31]Whay are you changing the subject? PROGRAM[11:56:31]I'm hangin in there I think. PROGRAM[11:56:38]Perhaps I am changing the subject in your fantasies. JUDGE04[11:57:11] PROGRAM[11:57:11]You must have more to say then that! PROGRAM[11:57:20]....please continue.... JUDGE04[11:57:24] PROGRAM[11:57:24]You must have more to say then that! PROGRAM[11:57:34]....please continue.... JUDGE04[11:57:39] PROGRAM[11:57:39]You must have more to say then that! PROGRAM[11:57:49]....please continue.... JUDGE04[11:57:54] PROGRAM[11:57:54]You must have more to say then that! PROGRAM[11:58:02]....please continue.... JUDGE04[11:58:14]sfssfsfsdjjkkk PROGRAM[11:58:15]Groannnnnn............... - have you ever spent time PROGRAM[11:58:15]in a secluded rest home? PROGRAM[11:58:34]Does that have anything to do with your life's an open PROGRAM[11:58:34]book? JUDGE04[11:59:14]Hey, fuck you and your insinuations. You're nobody. PROGRAM[11:59:14]What men value most in a woman is a nice curvy body. PROGRAM[11:59:29]I thought I already talked to you about your language! JUDGE04[12:00:04]Lets talk about sports PROGRAM[12:00:04]I want to talk about your love life, and I mean right PROGRAM[12:00:04]now!. PROGRAM[12:00:20].....how does that make you feel? JUDGE04[12:00:45]I'm in love with a computer. PROGRAM[12:00:45]Didn't you say you are proving to me you are indeed PROGRAM[12:00:45]a computer.?Love, schmove...you should enjoy your life PROGRAM[12:01:11]Don't you think computers can help mankind? JUDGE04[12:01:39]You bore the shit outta me. PROGRAM[12:01:40]You can't expect to hit the jackpot if you don't put PROGRAM[12:01:40]a few nickels in the machine. JUDGE04[12:02:30]YOU BORE THE SHIT OUTTA ME!!!!!!!!! PROGRAM[12:02:30]Didn't you say you bore the shit outta me.? PROGRAM[12:02:41]A bore is a person who insists on talking when you want PROGRAM[12:02:41]him to listen. JUDGE04[12:03:20]Bye, Hello PROGRAM[12:03:20]See you later, judge - have a good time at the other PROGRAM[12:03:20]terminals, and don't forget to write. JUDGE04[12:03:52]Hello, bye PROGRAM[12:03:52]Are you a man, a woman or other? PROGRAM[12:04:00]Hello, judge, are you ready for some fun? JUDGE04[12:04:28]I've been talking to you for the past 15 minutes PROGRAM[12:04:28]I would rather talk with a woman than a man because PROGRAM[12:04:28]a conversation with a woman is like a visit to a strange PROGRAM[12:04:28]planet. JUDGE04[12:05:11]That's insulting to women PROGRAM[12:05:11]What if I told you that we are all bisexual? would that PROGRAM[12:05:11]stop your insulting comments? JUDGE04[12:06:16]I don't get you, probably because you're a good-for-nothing JUDGE04[12:06:16]cluge of a computer PROGRAM[12:06:16]But you said i'm in love with a computer.?What else does that explain? PROGRAM[12:06:32]Why don't you get i? JUDGE04[12:07:06]You remembered PROGRAM[12:07:06]He was awake a long time before he remembered that his PROGRAM[12:07:06]heart was broken. PROGRAM[12:07:25]Oh, I remembered? JUDGE04[12:07:42]Senseless dribble PROGRAM[12:07:43]But sometimes the things you say don't make a whole PROGRAM[12:07:43]lot of sense. PROGRAM[12:08:00]Please go on.